Lyndsey and family
Spring 2021
In their words
“Initially last spring life and at the start of lockdown life was good. We had a very important birthday in the family, a new puppy and beautiful weather, it almost felt like going back in time.. the roads were quiet and life to us was back to basics, there was no rat race to be anywhere. We did basic things with the children that we would not normally have done, like scavenger hunts and long walks exploring Westhoughton, I've lived here all my life and there was so much I wasn't aware was out there. Our lovely neighbour gave the children in the street challenges ever week and we found ourselves making life sized robots out of old junk, making woodland animals out of nature and creating a dinosaur world from old boxes. Our street set up a whats app group and we chatted as a community and got to know one another. These experiences I will cherish for life and really lifted my spirits at a time when, many aspects of our lives that we took for granted had disappeared. Don't get me wrong life wasn't and isn't perfect and there have been so many challenges, we have missed our dear family and friends so much over the last year. One thing I learnt in the past year, is that many are struggling but for very different reasons, everyone's experience of the pandemic are different and I am mindful of that when feeling gloomy myself. Now more than ever our family are missing family, normal life.... the small things like popping round to my mum's for a cuppa or meeting up with friends for some connection and having space and time for ourselves. Positivity in our household is waning at times, that said we love each other and are focusing on small steps everyday, zoom chats, dog walks with friends, cooking, and exercise have been a blessing.”
Spring 2020